13.3.2011 | 14:28
"I wish I hadn't got cancer when I was little"
These words came from Benjamin Nökkvi just a moment ago and the sorrow exploded inside the mom . Benjamin has recently started thinking and speculating a lot about life - he is also turning 8 years this summer and has got the cognitive ability to understand that not everybody has been sick in cancer, have gotten through two bone-marrow transplants, been anethesiazed over 200 times, had several internal bleedings, and had so many blood-tests that one will never be able to count them. He also knows that we had to move from Iceland to Sweden last summer i a trial to cure his lung-disease - and he is now starting to feel the isolation he has to live with, because of how immune-suppressed he is, and for the first time I (the mom) heard my overly positive, "happy go lucky" guy, talk about that life was a little bit unfear to him!!!! The "MothersHeart" feels smashed and squeezed, but still you continue trying to hold the head high, listening, smiling to him and do your best answering all his speculations - inside the soul cries when you get the question "Mom, are you sure I will never get cancer again??".
Yepp, life can be tough and harsh, and surely it is extremely painful hearing all of Benjamins speculations - but though so beautiful that our MIRACLE talks about his thoughts, settles with my "half-lame" answers, and then continous asking getting his Mohawk done (with a lot of gel!!!), watching the English, Spanish, and Italian leagues in soccer, play FIFA in his Play Station, and laughs his wonderful unstoppable, laughter over the smallest things in life. A laughter that gets everybody else to smile and laugh. Children's adaptability is exceptional and I admire Benjamin Nökkvi, Hrafnhildur Tekla, and Nikulas Ingi, over how they have tackled living a life with illness constantly hanging over their heads, for seven and a half year now, and still they have and show so much joy and happiness living their life. THEY ARE MY HEROES AND ROLE MODELS IN LIFE
The Mom
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Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.
Ég vona ađ ţessa pćlingar hjá Benjamíni séu bara tímabundnar og ađ hann fái góđa skapiđ sitt til baka. Ađstćđur ykkar eru alveg rosalega erfiđar og mađur getur ekki einu sinni ímyndađ sér hvernig lífiđ hefur veriđ hjá ykkur síđustu ár, en eitt veit ég, ţiđ gefist aldrei upp.
Allavega óska ég ykkur góđs gengis og alls hins besta.
Kveđja Andrea.
Andrea (IP-tala skráđ) 13.3.2011 kl. 17:15
Úbbs, ekki skrítiđ ađ hann spekuleri og ţađ dálítiđ djúpt barn međ ţessa reynslu og ţađ er örugglega hrikalegt ađ halda andlitinu og reyna ađ útskýra ástandiđ. Ekki síđur en spurningarnar í Aravísunum forđum.
Sendi ykkur kćrleikskveđjur og óskir um góđa daga og bata fyrir Benjamín Nökkva
frá Sólveigu
Sólveig (IP-tala skráđ) 17.3.2011 kl. 14:26
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.